Famous Gamblers In History

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Plagiarism is bad and the word 'a plagiarist' is almost a curse. We know it from childhood. And yet, few of the great creators in various fields from science to music in their life avoided accusations of plagiarism. Let’s take a look at the different aspects of this phenomenon and consider: is it allowed to borrow someone's ideas?

Explore some of history’s most famous sibling pairs. Here are some of the famous gamblers in history. Molony was known for the wrong reasons. A Canadian compulsive gambler who stole to gamble. Though everyone has their favorite comedians, these funny people made lasting cultural impacts and delighted fans with films, TV shows, and stand-up specials throughout the years.


Is it a stealing or the engine of progress?

Famous Gamblers In History Since


The negative meaning of plagiarism is laid down in the word and it can be translated as 'stealing'. It is too bad when a person appropriates somebody’s ideas, discoveries or works and then he or she will get all laurels for it! Though, plagiarism was not always so strongly condemned by contemporaries. Ancient scientists and writers used works of the predecessors with pleasure, they considered that they multiplied and kept knowledge, in such way.

This concept has a quite indistinct framework even today. On the one hand, you take somebody's work and to call it as yours, it is considered like a mere stealing. On the other hand, you process and develop somebody's works and ideas. In many cases, such kind of 'plagiarism' is the engine of progress and will lead to great discoveries and inventions. Was Amerigo Vespucci a plagiarist or a successor of the successful ideas of Columbus? In a fact, in his honour, but not after an uneasy discoverer, two continents were named.

It is quite necessary for science if somebody’s ideas are borrowed and superseded. Scientific discoveries are too long and complex a process to fit it into a single human life. It is necessary to use the works of predecessors for scientific progress and development. But, not all scientists do it properly. Even the great Einstein did not escape accusations of plagiarism.

Among the famous writers, almost everyone was called a plagiarist, at least once. Ideas of the majority of great works were born from earlier books, national legends, newspaper articles and even ordinary jokes. Therefore, it is said that a plot borrowing is not considered like plagiarism, because almost all literary works could be blamed for it. Voltaire, Goethe, Rousseau, Alexandre Dumas, père, Jack London, Herbert Welsh and many others were accused of plagiarism. By the way, the writers often do not object to these charges. 'I take my goodness wherever I can find,' said Moliere, for example. W. Shakespeare was even more categorical in his expressions. 'This is the girl that I found in the mud and brought to crème de la crème,' said he about the whole borrowed scene. So, a partial plagiarism has long been turned into a form of literary art in a real life.

Plagiarism prospers in business too. And it is strangely enough good for consumers. If each invention or newness is realized by only one company which thought it up, we would be caught by a net of monopolies. Manufacturers will not have competitors in their segments, and therefore they will not care about the quality of the goods and they will not try to reduce prices too. If competing companies constantly produce similar products, they will fight each other for the attention and loyalty of the buyer in this situation.

Not all 'idea-generators' are capable to implement them. So, for the future it is very useful if their ideas would be taken by others.

Famous Gamblers In History

Let’s remember A. Pushkin who suggested to Gogol a plot of his well-known 'The Inspector General'. He even did not spare the given away idea, but he also insisted that Gogol did not stop to work with it. A. Pushkin was not sorry, because he had millions of these ideas! A life is not enough to realize all of them.

Famous plagiarists

We often do not think about how much familiar from childhood discoveries and works have under themselves even partial plagiarism. There are some examples of them.

DNA Model

The article of James Watson and Francis Crick was published in the journal Nature on May 30, 1953, 61 years ago. They proposed a structural model of DNA like the double helix in this article. This discovery made them famous and then they were awarded by the Nobel Prize for it. Almost nobody remembered about the important human in these researches like 'unknown lady of DNA' Rosalind Franklin in that time, in the middle of the last century.

Exactly Franklin took X-ray sciagram of DNA fibres, and suggested that it had the shape of a double helix. She wrote several papers on this subject, but no one has been published. Her scientific suggestions had not been taken seriously. The relationship between this woman and her colleagues was not established and it was decided to split the research group. As a result, Watson and Crick had got all success, however they recognized this scientist's contribution to this discovery very reluctantly. Franklin did not live up awarding the Nobel Prize, she died of cancer. And, according to the rules, the prize is not awarded posthumously.

Theory of relativity

Famous Gamblers In History

The great Einstein did not escape the charges of plagiarism. In a fact, he largely based the General theory of relativity, on the earlier works of Lawrence and Poincare. Einstein did not incidentally mention the last men in his work.

Certainly, it does not belittle the merit of genius of theoretical physics. This example shows that few can boast an absolute innovation in a science only.


The striking example of shameless plagiarism is a name of the band Metallica. One of the friends of Lars Ulrich, Ron Quintana asked him to help choose a name for the new magazine of the American and British metal bands. There were such variants as: Metallica, Metal Mania and Hesse. Ulrich, looking at his friend with honest eyes, told him that Metallica had been the worst option. And as a result, he took the name for his band.

Read also Top 10 Facts About Plagiarism

Historically, not all players were non-payers, outlaws, criminals and outcasts. Today, more and more people of different professions, ages and positions in society prefer gambling as a good and fast earning good cash. Most celebrities, business people playing Texas Hold’em can be found 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on Poker Network, for example. This article will not describe the famous carders, who are famous as cheaters or great super-players. Today the story will go about the players who made a name for themselves in history books, cheaters, which at one time in society were considered important members of their communities and were known more than just gamblers. Let’s look at who made it to the top ten:

10. John Montague.

John Montague lived in England from 1718 to 1792. He was a British statesman who led many important and successful military and political departments. Montague does not have the best reputation, but it is said that much of the history written about him was written by his political opponents.

Montague, or the 4th Earl of Sandwich, was famous for asking his servants to bring him pieces of meat between two slices of bread during his long hours at the card table. This habit became well known among his friends, it was thanks to gambling that the “sandwich” was born.

Montague was well educated, a Cambridge graduate, and he also held a number of important positions in his life; however, it was thanks to this invention that he was placed on our list.

9. John Aspinoll

John Aspinoll was a marine fencer, trained at Oxford. That’s where Aspinolla’s interest in gambling started to grow. In fact, he enjoyed playing so much that he missed his finals in Ascotta racing and missed exams at the university, going to the racetrack.

He bought a cryptographer, a dilapidated 18th-century mansion near Canterbury Cathedral, with his winnings in 1956, the estate was expanded to 9 acres of gardens and parks, where his first zoo was to appear. Funds from his own gambling and casino business enabled him to create a private collection that included rhinos, bongo antelope, horses and leopards. Here he developed his philosophy of respect, according to which it is worth treating animals. He assembled a dedicated team of like-minded people, the so-called keepers. In hard times, in order to feed all his animals and pay the staff, he imperfectly sold jewelry and other precious things. Perhaps, he was not among the authoritative members of society, he was not in the armed forces or politics, but Aspinolles went down in history as a lover of animals and as one who so zealously defended them.

8. Michael de Montaigne

Another famous man from history who was a player and one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, Michael de Montaigne. He lived between 1533 and 1592 and during his lifetime was more considered a statesman than an author. He is considered the father of what we call modern skepticism today. His influence was reflected in philosophers and great writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, René Descartes, Pascal Blaine and perhaps even William Shakespeare. The book Experiences, which still contains some of the most widely influential essays ever written, has a very strong influence on people.

7. Hieronymus Cardan.

The scientist Hieronymus Cardan, who lived from 1501-1576 was an Italian Renaissance mathematician, doctor and gambler. He became famous for his achievements in algebra. He was an experienced player and chess player. He even wrote a book about gambling, in his book Liber de ludo aleae (Book of Gambling). The book contains the first systematic calculation of probability, as well as a section on effective cheating methods. He invented many other things, such as: a code lock, cardan shaft, which is used in vehicles to this day. His other research helped to develop the first high-speed printing machine. He also made several contributions to hydrodynamics and published two encyclopedias of natural history.

Most Famous Gamblers

6. Rene Descartes.

Another respected scientist and philosopher from history books who gambled was Rene Descartes, who lived from 1596 to 1650. Initially Descartes decided to pursue a career in gambling after law school and the army. He continued gambling throughout his life.

He was called the “father of modern philosophy.” Descartes came up with the famous saying, “I think I exist.” Not only was he a pioneer of philosophy, Cartes was also considered the “father of modern science”. (Image: portrait of Frans Hals).

Famous Gamblers Throughout History

5. Charles II.

Charles II regained the English monarchy in 1660, he led an interesting gambling life, and was known as the “merry king”. Gambling became the center of life in his court. The love of gambling did not only spread throughout England, games were everywhere, even when colonists arrived in North Africa, they found that the indigenous peoples had their own gambling.

4. Casanova de Seingalt

Today, when we think of the name “Casanova“, we tend to think of a reckless, wild and irresponsible womanizer; nevertheless, at one time, Casanova was an outstanding man of European society (1800s). Seingalt Casanova was an avid player as well as a lawyer, adventurer and writer. At the age of 21, Kazanova decided to become a professional player, but soon changed his mind and switched to other professions. Later he claimed that he lacked the discretion to “get out of the game on time when fortune was not on his side, lacked enough control over himself when I was winning” (or, as Kenny Rogers would say, “would know when I was winning, would know when I was winning”).

Casanova played the lottery, Pharaoh, basset, Peak, biribi, Primero, Quinze redie nobility and high clergy. In addition, he was a very religious, devout Catholic who believed in prayer. Casanova’s contemporaries thought he was an extraordinary man – he was one of the most outstanding people of his time. Prince Charles de Ligne once said that Casanova was the most interesting man he had ever met: “There is nothing in the world that he could not do.

Famous Gamblers In History Articles

3. Wild Bill Hickok.

The nickname suggests that this is another reckless character, in fact, in a sense it may be true, but in spite of this American legend Wild Bill Hickok was nicknamed in his time as “wild”. Hickok had a reputation as an honest man; he was a war hero, a scout and a Lawman who spent most of his life protecting others from criminals and injustice.

At the same time, he was an avid gambler and he was a gambling fanatic, particularly about dropping poker. When he knew he was losing, he would pull out his colt or knife and challenge the man with the words “Take the bank”. Hickok, was killed tragically, in the moment he joined a poker game, a group of conspirators who were planning to kill him, simply shot him. It is said that he made many enemies in his life, because at one time he was part of a group that fought against slavery in the south. He was shot in the back of the head with a .45 revolver and when Hickok tilted back in his chair, his cards fell to the floor with a pair of aces and a pair of eight. Now this combination is called “Dead Hand”.

2. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Of all the players who have entered the history of gamblers, Fyodor Dostoevsky is considered one of the greatest people. One of the most influential novelists in Russian history, Dostoevsky was an avid player who wrote two famous novels, “Crime and Punishment” and “Hamlet”. According to legend, Dostoevsky wrote in the last section “Crime and Punishment” for several days in order to secure an advance from his publisher to eventually settle his card debts. He liked gambling, part of the basics of which he described in his books, he drew inspiration for his novels from the effects and psychology of drug addiction and the risks he experienced in his life as a player.

Famous Gamblers In History Quotes

1. Claude Monet

Famous gamblers in history in america

Famous Gamblers In History Encyclopedia

Claude Monet used his winnings to quit his courier job and focus on painting, becoming the founder of French impressionism. In 1891 he won about $ 13450 in the French lottery and it was a winning ticket not only for Monet, but also for the world. Perhaps if Claude Monet had not made this bet long ago, Monet would not have pleased the world with some of his greatest works of art.